Project Description
Here is a little from their site.
National Campus and Community Development Corporation (“NCCD”) is a certified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization formed in 2006 with headquarters in Austin, Texas. NCCD was created to engage in a broad range of professional services that provide for the ownership and financing of facilities that address the needs of students, the elderly, the promotion of healthy communities, as well as services to the distressed and low to moderate income individuals and families. Since NCCD is exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code it offers public sector clients a range of lower cost and more efficient ownership and financing mechanisms than those available based upon traditional debt and equity.
In Conjunction With
Jack Andrews with He designed the site and brought the client. I provided the website build and implemented the template design. Jack is fantastic to work with - thanks again my friend!